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SDEA launches Convert Plus at 100% Design

27 September 2016

This week marked the start of an important new era of sustainable designs for members of Shop and Display Equipment Association, when it launched Convert Plus to an excited audience at 100% Design in London. Alan Pegram, the SDEA President and Managing Director of Global Display, joined the Association’s Director, Antony Behiels to mark the celebration on SDEA member Stylo’s stand.

Convert Plus is a user friendly, web-based platform that is supported by an extensive database covering all aspects of Sustainability Performance, which enables suppliers to accurately measure, compare and understand the effects their designs, processes and activities can have on the environment.

SDEA is sure that this new ‘green’ tool will bring more business to its members by being a cost effective method for suppliers to evaluate the key contributors to sustainability whilst enabling easy visual integration within client presentations as a PDF.

SDEA Director, Antony Behiels said, “I am delighted with this industry recognised software. In today’s increasingly environmentally aware marketplace, I am positive that Convert Plus will be of tremendous value to our members and their clients. It will enable them to work alongside retailers to effectively monitor and reduce their carbon footprint within retail display.”

Members will be issued with their login details for Convert Plus.

To login, please visit the dedicated site




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Shop and Display Equipment Association
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